Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Brooklyn's referral picture taken 12-26-06

Brooklyn taken 6-07

Brooklyn 8-20-08

Well, today is one year since we met Brooklyn for the first time. I can't believe how fast time goes. Our lives are forever changed and enriched. She has been a blessing beyond words. Thank you everyone for your support and love. We love you Brooklyn!!!!!!


Mysty and Anthony said...
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Mysty and Anthony said...

Awww, she looks so sweet. She really hasn't changed much to me from Gotcha Day..Just gotten bigger and you can tell that in her face, but she just gets more and more beautiful! They are such blessings aren't they? I can't believe that the time has passed so fast. Some days it seems like we haven't had them for very long and others it seems like they have been with us forever. Adoption is really and awesome thing!! Why didn't I do this sooner??? HAHA Well, looking forward to more updates!! Give her hugs for me!!! Love ya!