Monday, April 28, 2008

Trip to Austin, Texas

Well, Brooklyn and I just got back from Austin Texas for my cousin Teri's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and Brooklyn had a wonderful time. To top it off, we got to see our good friends the Castlemans. We met them in China when they were adopting their second little China girl. Her name is Avery and she is 4 months younger than Brooklyn. I got to spend the day with Carol and Avery and big sister Emily(and Mike too). Carol made us a wonderful lunch(thanks Carol) and we talked until we couldn't talk anymore. I can't believe how much the girls have grown. Brooklyn had a great weekend and was very well behaved at the rehearsal dinner and wedding. She made friends with everyone she met. Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Mysty and Anthony said...

okay!!! NOOOO FAIRRRR!! I want to see the Casleman's too since they aren't going to come to the reunion!!! Oh my goodness how big Avery has gotten and my goodness how BEAUTIFUL Emily is!! You make me jealous and that's not a character trait I like to portray!!
HAHA!! Really, I am glad that you got to meet up and Brooklyn got to go to her first wedding. Of course she was well behaved...did you think any different??? :) Hey, where is all of Brooklyn's hair?? I know she has more than what the camera is showing!! Olivia's blends in with the background and you can't see hers so maybe Brooklyn's is like that! Aren't Chinese girls supposed to have LOTS of hair??? HAHA Love and miss ya. Can't wait until JULY!!!!