Thursday, February 14, 2008


I love my bear Brandon got me, and I had a great time watching Brandon run last weekend. My favorite part of Valentines Day is all the candy I get to eat. I LOVE CANDY!! Just like my daddy.


Mysty and Anthony said...

I love her smile in the first picture. She is getting so big and my goodness how beautiful! I am still amazed about the headbands though...I bet she thinks they are like part of her body huh?? HAHA Thanks for letting us see her on this day. Oh and do you realize that Wednesday is 6 months since the first time we held our precious little China girls??? 6 months from tomorrow we left to go and get them!! Oh my goodness does time fly!! Precious baby girls!!

swtfam said...

Hi guys! So nice to see that Brooklyn is fitting in with the rest of the family. I told Jody the other day that I can't imagine not having Grace in our family. Funny how fast they can grab hold of your heart strings! How soon before we can go back for another?
see you in July!